Service Suspended

Dear Star Wars Book Readers: Unfortunately, a policy change at Amazon has broken all the images on this site, and it would take many hours of tedious work to fix them all. Since the Book Finder tool doesn't seem to be very popular anyway, I'm planning to stop updating it for the foreseeable future. But if you have strong feelings about this (or suggestions), do feel free to let me know by email: You can still use the tool if you don't mind that the pictures are missing and it doesn't include the newest books.

The Last Jedi "Expanded Edition" novelization

Episode VIII: The Last Jedi "Expanded Edition" novelization by Jason Fry
This is the official book version of the Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie including deleted scenes and new additions to the story. It's also the first adult Star Wars novel by professional Star Wars expert Jason Fry!

WARNING: There's an older book also called The Last Jedi that's completely unrelated to the movie. Don't be fooled! :-)

Buy The Last Jedi expanded movie novelization on Amazon!

This is a book from the New Canon timeline! It's guaranteed to be consistent with future movies, TV shows, books, and comics (and all new stories since mid-2014).