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Here are your Star Wars book recommendations for mystery:
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Coruscant Nights

Coruscant Nights by Michael Reaves
A memorable trilogy of character-driven adventures in the seedy underworld of the city planet Coruscant. Inspired by the film noir detective movies of the 1940s and 1950s, these books tell the story of a self-doubting Jedi survivor, a sarcastic droid, and a plucky ex-journalist who come together with other interesting characters to solve mysteries and join the budding resistance in the early days of the Empire.

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Book 1: Jedi Twilight
Book 3: Patterns of Force

Story continued in The Last Jedi

This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books, movies, or TV shows (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).

The New Rebellion

The New Rebellion by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Master Luke Skywalker faces one of his greatest challenges since restoring the Jedi order, as a Force-using genocidal maniac threatens to take down the New Republic. As Han and Lando dive into the criminal underworld of their past to clear Han's name of fraudulent terrorism charges, Luke must face the dark side of his own Jedi order.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

The Hand of Thrawn

The Hand of Thrawn duology by Timothy Zahn
The thrilling follow-up to Timothy Zahn's beloved Thrawn Trilogy! Ten years after Grand Admiral Thrawn nearly brought the New Republic to its knees, the Imperial Remnant is ready to finally surrender to the former rebels. Not everyone would have peace: Three well-placed Imperials conspire to fake the resurrection of Thrawn, not realizing how close to the truth their charade really is. Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade follow a mysterious trail of clues to a shocking discovery in the Unknown Regions, while a revelation from the past threatens to tear the New Republic apart from the inside.

Want more of Luke and Mara exploring Thrawn's legacy in the Unknown Regions? Read Survivor's Quest next, set three years after the Hand of Thrawn books.

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Book 1: Specter of the Past
Book 2: Vision of the Future

This is a post-Return of the Jedi series from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.


Scourge by Jeff Grubb
A Master of Luke Skywalker's restored Jedi Order is out to solve a murder mystery that will pit him against the vilest of scum and villainy in a dangerous game as he submerges himself in the criminal underworld of Hutt Space and beyond. In the process, he will have to come to terms with his own doubts and fears.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

Survivor's Quest

Survivor's Quest by Timothy Zahn
In a continuation of the stories of the Thrawn Trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn duology, the recently married Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade are shocked to find that the wreckage of the historical Outbound Flight exploratory ship has been rediscovered in the Unknown Regions. On a mission to negotiate the return of the remains to the New Republic, they discover much more than they bargained for, and become caught up in a dangerous game between alien forces in unknown space.

The novel Outbound Flight is a prequel to Survivor's Quest. They can be read in either order, but more suspense is preserved if you read Survivor's Quest first.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

Crosscurent & Riptide

Crosscurrent & Riptide by Paul S. Kemp
Two junk salvagers team up with a Jedi knight for an adventure that turns out to be much more than they bargained for, with danger around every turn, and dark mysteries lying in wait. Meanwhile, an ancient Jedi and Sith caught in a hyperspace time warp are on a collision course with all the action. Rollicking adventures starring a mostly new and endearing (but inexplicably all-male) cast of characters.

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The ancient Jedi and Sith plotline in Crosscurrent is a spinoff from the first chapter of Lost Tribe of the Sith, set 5,000 years earlier.

These are post-Return of the Jedi novels from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from the sequel movies and newer books.

Millennium Falcon

Millennium Falcon by James Luceno
Join Han, Leia, and their granddaughter on an adventure to discover the origins of the most recognizable spaceship in Star Wars: the Millennium Falcon. The story includes parts set in the ship's early years, and several previous owners play important roles in the book. Mysteries, threats, and secrets abound.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from the sequel movies and newer books.