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Here are your Star Wars book recommendations for superweapons:
Showing posts with label superweapons. Show all posts

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno
This is an important prequel to the 2016 spin-off film Rogue One! Written by veteran Star Wars author James Luceno, Catalyst tells how pacifist scientist Galen Erso, later infamous for designing the devastating Death Star superlaser, was manipulated into the role by one-time friend Orson Krennic. A thoughtful, character-based tale that provides a rich backstory to the opening scene of Rogue One, this novel also reveals a great deal about the creation of the Death Star according to the new Star Wars canon.

Catalyst is the tenth Star Wars novel by James Luceno, whose other works include the canon novel Tarkin, fan-favorite Legends novel Darth Plagueis, and two other Star Wars movie lead-in books.

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This is a book from the New Canon timeline! It's guaranteed to be consistent with future movies, TV shows, books, and comics (and all new stories since mid-2014).


Tarkin by James Luceno
Veteran Star Wars author James Luceno, in his first new canon novel, takes readers into the mind of Grand Moff Tarkin, the Imperial official who infamously gave orders to Darth Vader in the original Star Wars movie. Set in the years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, this is the story of Tarkin's rise to prominence in the Empire.

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This is a book from the New Canon timeline! It's guaranteed to be consistent with future movies, TV shows, books, and comics (and all new stories since mid-2014).

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization by Alexander Freed
This is the official book version of the new Star Wars movie Rogue One! Written by Alexander Freed, the author of Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company.

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Want to learn more about the personal history between scientist Galen Erso and Imperial Director Orson Krennic? Check out the Rogue One prequel novel Catalyst by James Luceno!

This is a book from the New Canon timeline! It's guaranteed to be consistent with future movies, TV shows, books, and comics (and all new stories since mid-2014).

Death Star

Death Star by Michael Reaves & Steve Perry
A novel about the construction of the first Death Star, and the many different people whose lives it touched.

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books, movies, or TV shows (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope novelization

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope novelization by George Lucas 
The very first Star Wars book ever, this novel was written by Alan Dean Foster based on George Lucas's script for the original Star Wars movie (Foster agreed to do it without credit). It was released in 1976, six months before the movie, and was then titled Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker.

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This is a movie novelization from the Legends timeline. Though the movie itself is canon, original content in the book could be contradicted by future books, movies, or TV shows (if so, you can think of it as an alternate universe).

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi novelization

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi novelization by James Kahn
Written based on the script while the film was still in production, this is the original novel adaptation of Return of the Jedi from 1983. Author James Kahn brings depth and a slightly different perspective to what is probably the second-best of the main Star Wars movie novelizations (after Matthew Stover's Revenge of the Sith). Though there are naturally also some inconsistencies with the final film and later books, the novel also includes interesting expanded versions of some of the scenes from the movie.

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This is a movie novelization from the Legends timeline. Though the movie itself is canon, original content in the book could be contradicted by future books, movies, or TV shows (if so, you can think of it as an alternate universe).

The Jedi Academy Trilogy

The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J. Anderson
Though fan opinions vary on its quality, the Jedi Academy Trilogy plays a key role in the timeline of Legends novels set after Return of the Jedi. The series follows Luke Skywalker's mission to rebuild the Jedi Order by searching out Force-sensitive candidates and establishing a new Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. All does not go well at first, with a powerful Imperial superweapon emerging from hiding even as the spirit of an ancient Sith Lord works to corrupt the new generation of Jedi apprentices.

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Book 1: Jedi Search
Book 2: Dark Apprentice
Book 3: Champions of the Force

This is a post-Return of the Jedi series from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

Children of the Jedi

Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly
Not long after the events of the Jedi Academy Trilogy, Han and Leia are searching for a lost group of Jedi children. Meanwhile, Luke must find a way to stop an aging computerized superweapon, even as he falls in love with an Old Republic Jedi whose mind is trapped inside the computer.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.


Darksaber by Kevin J. Anderson
In this follow-up novel to the Jedi Academy Trilogy and Children of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker and his lover Callista set out on a journey of Force discovery, even as an evil Hutt crime lord builds a superweapon inspired by the Death Star. Meanwhile, Admiral Daala consolidates her power over the remnants of the Empire, preparing to strike back at the New Republic and Luke's recently-formed Jedi Academy. Remembered by some fans as one of the worst Star Wars novels, despite being a great financial success.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

The Corellian Trilogy

The Corellian Trilogy by Roger McBride Allen
When Han and Leia return to Han's home planet of Corellia 14 years after Return of the Jedi, they find themselves caught up in a dangerous spy game even as the Corellian system threatens to erupt into civil war. But it gets worse: A mystery left by an ancient civilization could put an unimaginable superweapon into the hands of brutal insurgents, led by none other than Han Solo's long-lost cousin!

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Book 1: Ambush at Correllia
Book 2: Assault at Selonia
Book 3: Showdown at Centerpoint

This is a post-Return of the Jedi series from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.