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Here are your Star Wars book recommendations for scum & villainy:
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Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina

Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina by various authors
A collection of short stories, each focusing on one of the characters from the famous bar scene in the original Star Wars movie!

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).

(Interested in a New Canon take on the background characters of Star Wars: A New Hope? Check out Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View.)

Shadow Games

Shadow Games by Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
Set shortly before A New Hope, this story follows the "rags to riches" rise of a galactic movie star at a time when the Rebellion was just beginning.

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).


Scoundrels by Timothy Zahn
The Death Star has been destroyed, but Han Solo is still deep in debt to Jabba the Hutt. When a stranger recruits Han to carry out an ambitious heist to steal a fortune from a powerful mafia boss, Han finally sees his chance to pay off the debt. But he won't be able to do it without Chewie's loyal backup, Lando's best con-man routine, and a team of the galaxy's most skilled thieves, hackers, and cheats. A whole book of rollicking good scoundrel fun!

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).

Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Tales of the Bounty Hunters by various authors
This book is a collection of five (not-so-short) short stories about the bounty hunters seen in The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM. It's a varied and interesting look inside the minds of these characters whose loyalty is neither to the Empire or to the Rebel Alliance.

The book's "Tale of Boba Fett" was written before the bounty hunter's childhood was revealed in Attack of the Clones, so there are some contradictions - however, many fans actually preferred this book's take on Boba Fett over the newer backstory from the movies.

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).

Shadows of the Empire

Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry
The only novel set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, this book was published in 1996 as a refreshing return to the classic trilogy era, in the years where most novels took place after the defeat of the Emperor. The book is essentially a lead-in to Return of the Jedi, setting up the background for many of the events in that movie. However, it revolves heavily around a new character, the crime kingpin Prince Xizor, who is competing with Vader for the Emperor's favor.

Though the book tells a reasonably engaging story, many readers remember it more for its creepy attempted rape scene (for the record, most Star Wars novels have no sexual content at all).

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, just think of it as an alternate universe).

Tales from Jabba's Palace

Tales from Jabba's Palace by various authors
The palace of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine comes to vivid life in all its depravity in this collection of short stories tying in to Return of the Jedi. From the band and the dancers, to the guards and the rancor keeper, to the many others hiding in the shadows, this fun and diverse volume takes readers into the lives of the palace's denizens one by one. It's also memorable for a bizarre story of Boba Fett's experience rotting away inside the belly of the sarlacc.

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, think of it as an alternate universe). 

Tales from the Empire

Tales from the Empire by various authors
A collection of short stories, selected as some of the best originally published in the Star Wars Adventure Journal roleplaying game magazine in the mid-1990s. Fan favorite characters such as Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and Corran Horn all make major appearances, and the book includes a novella collaboratively written by beloved authors Timothy Zahn and Michael Stackpole (who also each contribute one other story to the collection).

Despite the cover art, Boba Fett only appears in this book from a certain point of view.

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This is a classic era book from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, think of it as an alternate universe).

The Bounty Hunter Wars

The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy by K.W. Jeter
From veteran cyberpunk author K.W. Jeter comes a unique saga of intrigue, violence, and paranoia set in the gritty but high-tech criminal underworld of the Star Wars galaxy. Though centered on Boba Fett, the story includes all the bounty hunter characters introduced in The Empire Strikes Back: Dengar, Bossk, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, and IG-88.

After the defeat of Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi, Dengar must decide how to proceed after discovering the dangerous Boba Fett helpless and nearly dead in the sands of Tatooine. His choice is made much more complicated by the appearance of a dancer from Jabba's Palace who has mysteriously lost her memory, knowing only that she has some important connection to Fett. All the while, a powerful corporate executive watches from the shadows with unknown motives.

Meanwhile, half of the story is told through flashbacks to a time soon after the destruction of the first Death Star, when criminal kingpin Prince Xizor seeks favor with the Emperor by engineering a brutal war between the galaxy's bounty hunters. In a scheme that thrusts Boba Fett into an uncomfortable double-agent role, the Bounty Hunter's Guild will be torn to pieces, and only the most skilled and ruthless bounty hunters will survive.

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Book 1: The Mandalorian Armor
Book 3: Hard Merchandise

This is a classic era series from the Legends timeline. It will likely be contradicted by newer books (if so, think of it as an alternate universe).


Scourge by Jeff Grubb
A Master of Luke Skywalker's restored Jedi Order is out to solve a murder mystery that will pit him against the vilest of scum and villainy in a dangerous game as he submerges himself in the criminal underworld of Hutt Space and beyond. In the process, he will have to come to terms with his own doubts and fears.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

Tales From the New Republic

Tales From the New Republic by various authors
A collection of short stories about characters both new and old, including fan favorites such as Boba Fett and Mara Jade. Some of these stories are reprinted from the Star Wars Adventure Journal, a roleplaying game magazine from the mid-1990s, but many others appear for the first time in this book. Among them is the four-part novella Interlude at Darknell, a cooperative effort by Michael Stackpole and Timothy Zahn and a bit of a prequel to the X-Wing series and Thrawn Trilogy.

Some stories in the book take place in the New Republic era (after Return of the Jedi), while others are set before and between the films of the Star Wars Trilogy.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi book from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from The Force Awakens and newer books.

Crosscurent & Riptide

Crosscurrent & Riptide by Paul S. Kemp
Two junk salvagers team up with a Jedi knight for an adventure that turns out to be much more than they bargained for, with danger around every turn, and dark mysteries lying in wait. Meanwhile, an ancient Jedi and Sith caught in a hyperspace time warp are on a collision course with all the action. Rollicking adventures starring a mostly new and endearing (but inexplicably all-male) cast of characters.

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The ancient Jedi and Sith plotline in Crosscurrent is a spinoff from the first chapter of Lost Tribe of the Sith, set 5,000 years earlier.

These are post-Return of the Jedi novels from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from the sequel movies and newer books.


Crucible by Troy Denning
Forty years after Return of the Jedi, Luke, Han, and Leia go on one last adventure together, facing off against twin geniuses with a taste for evil experiments and a hunger to dominate the galaxy through corrupt corporate expansion.

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This is a post-Return of the Jedi novel from the Legends timeline. Think of it as an alternate universe from the sequel movies and newer books.