Service Suspended

Dear Star Wars Book Readers: Unfortunately, a policy change at Amazon has broken all the images on this site, and it would take many hours of tedious work to fix them all. Since the Book Finder tool doesn't seem to be very popular anyway, I'm planning to stop updating it for the foreseeable future. But if you have strong feelings about this (or suggestions), do feel free to let me know by email: You can still use the tool if you don't mind that the pictures are missing and it doesn't include the newest books.

Here are your Star Wars book recommendations for Qi'ra:
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Most Wanted

Most Wanted by Rae Carson
The new Solo: A Star Wars Story movie is out now, and fans who want to know more about the background of Han Solo and Qi'ra can check out this new book that just came out with the movie!

Written by Rae Carson, one of the authors of the Canto Bight book, Most Wanted tells the story of Han and Qi'ra's early involvement in the galaxy's criminal underworld as teenagers, before the events of the Solo film.

Though officially a young adult novel, Most Wanted is 400 pages long and a part of the same more-mature publishing line as Lost Stars, Leia, Princess of Alderaan, and other great books.

Buy on Amazon!

This is a book from the New Canon timeline! It's guaranteed to be consistent with future movies, TV shows, books, and comics (and all new stories since mid-2014).

Solo: "Expanded Edition" movie novelization

Solo: Expanded Edition novelization by Mur Lafferty
This is the official book of the Solo: A Star Wars Story movie, expanded to tell more of the story! Added content includes Han Solo 's time in the Imperial Navy and more about how Qi'ra came to be involved with the Crimson Dawn criminal organization.

(For a prequel to the story of Solo, check out the Han and Qi'ra novel Most Wanted.)

Buy on Amazon!

This is a book from the New Canon timeline! It's guaranteed to be consistent with future movies, TV shows, books, and comics (and all new stories since mid-2014).